Our latest Work

The Gourmet Girls Riverhills Mass Transit Ad 8th Avenue Obstetrics & Gynecology Logo

If you're here, at this web page, you're curious about what you might be getting into. Perhaps wondering what kind of person I am.

Well, I'll try to be plain, simple, and direct.

I've been writing books since I was in third grade (The Adventures of Captan Cookie), designing t-shirts and publications since 1985, and a professional designer/graphic art/agent of change since 1995.

I've spent time in local ad agencies as both a contractor and full-time employee, in the design departments at small companies and large corporations both as a contractor and full-time employee, and worked for at least two local publications. I've also spec'd and installed internet connections and networks, written code for both AOL and for real web pages, and been a go-to computer troubleshooter since day one.

Which means I have a very broad-spectrum set of skills and talents—from copywriting and concepting to directing photo shoots, designing ads and also serving as a production artist so the ads come out right. I can design the website, write the code for the website, get you your domain name, set up your hosting, set up and configure email addresses, help you get your blog going... somewhat soup to nuts. If I can't do it, I can figure it out, and if I can't figure it out, I've got some really smart friends I can go-to for even more brilliant solutions.

I also wear some of the cool shoes, play bass in a jazz trio, and do what I do to take good care of my girls.

Scott Anderson
Agent of Change